CAG Melbourne Anaesthetist

MBBS, BMedSci, GCClinTeach, FANZCA

Dr Amandeep Sarai completed his medical degree at the University of Melbourne and his specialty Anaesthetic training in Victoria mainly through the Austin and Northern Hospitals. His training concluded with Fellowships at the Austin Hospital and Royal Melbourne Hospital with a particular focus on anaesthesia for major abdominal surgery, emergency and trauma, neurosurgery, ENT, maxillofacial and orthopaedic surgery.

Dr Sarai has a balanced mix of both private and public practice. His private practice is predominantly at Epworth and Ramsay Private Hospitals, focusing on anaesthesia for plastic and reconstructive surgery, maxillofacial surgery, weight loss surgery, obstetrics and major abdominal surgery. His public hospital appointments are with Eastern Health, Austin Health and the Royal Dental Hospital, where he regularly anaesthetises children.

Dr Sarai has an interest in teaching and has completed a Graduate Certificate in Clinical Teaching through the University of Melbourne. With this qualification he teaches anaesthetic trainees, nurses and medical students.

Dr Sarai actively participates in the Continuing Professional Development program through the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and attends domestic and international conferences to keep up to date with the most recent anaesthetic developments.

It is his sincere hope that he is able to make your operative experience as positive and comfortable as possible.

31 Derby Street

FAX   (03) 9923 2742

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