CAG Melbourne Anaesthetist

MBBS, FANZCA, PG Cert Clinical Ultrasound

Dr David Ip completed his medical degree at the University of Melbourne in 2000 and trained as an anaesthetist in Melbourne. He has then gained further subspecialty training by completing a fellowship in thoracic anaesthesia at Toronto General Hospital, Canada. Whilst there he anaesthetised patients for general and complex thoracic surgery, lung transplantation, cardiac surgery as well as all types of cancer surgery.

He currently has a mixed private and public practice with public appointments at Austin Health and Peninsula Health.

Dr Ip has continued to maintain his clinical excellence and professional standards by presenting and teaching at educational activities for specialist anaesthetists, as well as teaching and supervising students, residents and registrars. He is a member of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists, and a fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and participates in their Continuing Professional Development program.

Dr Ip understands that for many patients, having surgery can be a frightening and stressful time, however his aim is to make it as positive an experience as possible. He will address your concerns before surgery, ensure you receive a safe, tailored anaesthetic and minimise your discomfort after surgery.

31 Derby Street

FAX   (03) 9923 2742

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